

This product is currently en primeur status. Effectively, it's a pre-order with payment required now and stock will be delivered up to 18 months later.
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Curatolo Arini Dolce NV

In stock
HALF-DOZEN: $159.60 or $26.60 each
DOZEN: $302.40 or $25.20 each

Item(s) will be sent packaged in a gift box. Please remember, once enclosed you will be unable to see the contents of the package.

Choose the Gift Wrap

    • Prince Wine Store Gift wrapping - FREE

      Prince Wine Store Gift wrapping - FREE


      Prince Wine Store gift wrapping using our David Band designed paper

    • Single Bottle wooden wine box - $20

      Single Bottle wooden wine box - $20


      Single bottle wooden wine box with wood wool - clear lid and can be wrapped

    • Double wooden wine box - $27

      Double wooden wine box - $27


      Two bottle wooden wine box with clear lid and wood wool

  • Please check and confirm the chosen wrapping

    Gift Wrap added

    The stock levels below show only what is in stock at our stores right now.
    Most times we can often order extra to fulfill any order so please, order the amount you want and we’ll let you know if we can get fill the order asap.

    Stock Availability:
    0 qty Warehouse
    3 qty South Melbourne
    0 qty Sydney
    Producer: Curatolo Arini
    Country: Italy
    Region: Sicily
    Size: 750ml
    Vintage: NV
    Now this is a Sicilian, family-run winery, and while we might make wry obs when we put the word ‘Sicilian’ together with the word ‘family’, and given that not too far inland is the town of Corleone… the real family story here is the remarkable and durable legacy of the founder, Vittorio Curatolo Arini. In 1875 ‘Vito’ decided to add Arini to his name in order to stand out, as he was about to embark on quite the gamble for a young man. Vito, a generational grape grower, founded his Marsala business by persuading the bank to support his proposal to build a full-on winery amidst the family vineyards on the outskirts of Marsala. Right from the start, Vito did things with care and style, including simpatico building design (rather than merely functional), signalling his serious intentions, and laying the foundations for today’s business. Not surprisingly, he and his Marsala wines did quite well!